
OLDP comes with a data processing pipeline. How to write your own processing step is explained under Development. In the following we explain the execution of the processing pipeline.

Django Admin

The most convenient way to execute processing steps is to use the Django admin interface. For all models (e.g. cases or laws) that have available processing steps, you only need to select the target items from the list by clicking on the checkboxes and then select one processing step from the action drop-down menu:


Be aware that processing can take time, especially when running complex steps on a large number of items. Thus, the web server might time out and send you a 500 error message.

Available content processors

For large data-sets and complex selection of to be processed items, it is recommened to execute the processing over commandline. Each model comes with an own Django management command:

  • Cases
    • Management command: ./ process_cases
  • Laws
    • Management command: ./ process_laws
  • Courts
    • Management command: ./ process_courts
  • References
    • Management command: ./ process_references


Use the --help argument to display a list of available parameters.

  --input INPUT [INPUT ...]
  --input-handler INPUT_HANDLER
                        Read input from file system
  --order-by ORDER_BY   Order items when reading from DB
  --filter FILTER       Filter items when reading from DB
  --limit LIMIT
  --start START
  --max-lines MAX_LINES
  --source SOURCE       When reading from FS process files differently
  --empty               Empty existing index

When using db as input handler, the parameter --filter and --exclude are URL-encoded and support Django model queries (See examples).


Find corresponding court to all cases that are currently assign to the default court (default court id = 1):

./ process_cases --input-handler db --filter court__pk=1 assign_court

Limit the number of processed cases to 100 and order by last updated date, i.e. process oldest first.

./ process_cases --input-handler db --filter court__pk=1 --order-by updated_date --limit 100 assign_court

Cases that are private and from courts located in state with id 5, exclude cases by type:

./ process_cases --input-handler db --filter court__state_id=5&private=True --exclude type=Urteil all